Global Warming on you Mind

November 8th, 2021



Global warming is at the heart of discussions around the world, both at home and politically. Scientists have confirmed that global warming is causing loss of sea ice, accelerated increases in sea levels, longer and more intense heat waves, stronger storms and flooding, and more – and it will only get worse if we do not do something to reverse the trend. To do its part, American GreenFuels is working to educate consumers, policy makers, and political leaders about the benefits of using biodiesel – a renewable and clean burning fuel.

Beat the Heat With Biodiesel Produced by American Greenfuels

American GreenFuels,® LLC (“American GreenFuels”) is a Connecticut based biodiesel producer, located in the port of New Haven. Biodiesel is a renewable, cleaner-burning diesel replacement that reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 86% on average. American GreenFuels’ biodiesel, however, reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 93% when sold within Connecticut.

American GreenFuels began producing biodiesel in 2013 and has since undergone several major capacity expansions. The most recent expansion more than doubled the capacity at the plant to approximately 40 million gallons per year – making American GreenFuels the largest biodiesel producer in theNortheast, and along the eastern seaboard of the United States.

Fueling the Economy

American GreenFuels currently employs approximately 50 people. Importantly, the company recruits veterans, who make up about 25% of the workforce. The American GreenFuels’ work force expands to more than 200 people during certain maintenance and expansion projects.

The plant uses waste products from other industries to produce biodiesel. These products include waste oils such as used cooking oil from restaurants and/or food waste from manufacturing facilities. American GreenFuels estimates that it sources used cooking oil feedstock from approximately 5,000 suppliers located throughout the region.

One fitting company slogan is “we turn trash into treasure”. American GreenFuels’ trash refers to the used cooking oil (once relegated for landfills) feedstocks used to produce American GreenFuels’ biodiesel. American GreenFuels’ treasure – its renewable biodiesel, is sold throughout the state and into neighboring states – providing the marketplaces’ more than 200 heating oil dealers and on-road trucking supply companies an ample supply of certified and environmentally validated biodiesel. With the plant and contractor workforces, and with the hundreds of people involved throughout the feedstock and product sales supply chains, American GreenFuels serves as an important engine that fuels the Connecticut economy. See

Help resist climate change.

Choose certified and environmentally validated biodiesel produced by American GreenFuels.

Watch the video to learn why you should “Go American GreenFuels”.

Awareness Campaign

In 2018, American GreenFuels launched the “You Are What You Heat” promotional campaign to increase awareness about the benefits of biodiesel to Connecticut consumers, heating oil dealers, and state and municipal procurement managers. More particularly, the campaign is designed to educate the audience about their option to heat their home or building – or fill their diesel equipment and trucks, with a fuel that contains biodiesel. Further, the messages urge the use of a 20% biodiesel blend in home heating oil (such a blended fuel is also referred to as Bioheat® heating oil), or as an additive to fuel for diesel equipment and on-road vehicles. As for Connecticut heating oil retailers, they are encouraged to get ahead of their competitors and help consumers go green and support local jobs by blending at least 20% certified and environmentally validated biodiesel produced by American GreenFuels into their home heating oil.

Campaign Scope & Key Messages

The campaign, which runs yearlong, includes outdoor media, television, direct mail, and social media. Messages vary depending on the target audience; however, all messages contain American GreenFuels’ key themes, namely:

Certifications and Environmental Claim Validations

In an effort to bolster its commitment to the environment and educate consumers about the benefits of biodiesel, American GreenFuels designed its messages to alert Connecticut consumers to the benefits of switching to a biodiesel that is certified and environmentally validated. American GreenFuels achieved an International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) for its implementation of environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable production, as well as three UL Environmental Claim Validations.

The Environmental Claim Validations are important as they provide information to consumers that American GreenFuels’ product meets strict environmental and sustainability standards for Recycled Content, By-Product Synergy, and Zero Waste to Landfill.

You Are What You Heat Consumer Sweepstakes 2021

As part of its commitment to bring awareness to the economic and environmental benefits of using biodiesel, American GreenFuels is currently offering Connecticut residents a chance to win up to $1,000 in free heating oil through a sweepstakes, titled “YOU ARE WHAT YOU HEAT CONSUMER SWEEPSTAKES 2021” (the “Sweepstakes”). Five (5) lucky winners will be selected at the conclusion of the Sweepstakes, and, to deliver the prize, heating oil dealers throughout Connecticut are encouraged to register as participating heating oil dealers in the sweepstakes incentive program titled “YOU ARE WHAT YOU HEAT DEALER INCENTIVE PROGRAM”.

American GreenFuels’ Sweepstakes provides an opportunity for heating oil dealers throughout Connecticut to expand their customer base. By registering, a participating heating oil dealer will be listed on the consumer facing Sweepstakes’ entry page. A consumer must choose a participating heating oil dealer in order to complete their Sweepstakes’ entry form. When a consumer is selected as a winner at the conclusion of the Sweepstakes, the winner’s selected participating heating oil dealer will be incentivized for delivering the prize heating oil to the lucky Sweepstakes’ winner. There is no cost to the participating heating oil dealer, however, to be eligible to participate, the heating oil dealer must sell and deliver a blend of Bioheat® heating oil that contains certified and environmentally validated biodiesel produced by American GreenFuels.

Targeting State and Municipal Procurement Managers

American GreenFuels is also reaching out to local municipalities to promote the use of biodiesel in municipal buildings, on-road vehicles and off-road equipment. As Connecticut procures heating oil for its office buildings and its universities, and with many of its service trucks running diesel in their engines, American GreenFuels believes the state should be procuring heating oil and transportation fuel that contains a healthy percentage of biodiesel. The suggestion is that the state procure a 20% low-carbon fuel blend – and of course, the biodiesel should be sourced from a Connecticut producer, such as American GreenFuels.

American GreenFuels is pleased to report that on July 12, 2021, Governor Lamont signed Public Act 21-181 which establishes a low-carbon fuel blend requirement for Connecticut’s home heating oil supply. The requirement will take effect in July 2022, starting with a 5% low-carbon fuel blend standard, and increasing to a 50% low-carbon fuel blend requirement by 2035. American GreenFuels was a leader in advocating for the Connecticut requirement.

Eventually, biodiesel will be required in all heating oil in Connecticut, so American GreenFuels would like to begin working with municipalities now to get ahead of the curve.

Federal and State Advocacy
In Washington, D.C.

American GreenFuels is also an avid advocate in Washington, D.C. American GreenFuels is an active member of the National Biodiesel Board, and Paul Teta, Executive General Counsel of Kolmar Americas, Inc., participates as a member of its governing board. Moreover, the company partakes in the National Biodiesel Board’s Renewable Fuel Standard (“RFS”) working group, particularly as it relates to renewable volume obligations (“RVOs”) issued by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”). The purpose of the working group is to advocate that environmental standards are maintained and the renewable energy industry is provided appropriate policy signals for continued growth. In its efforts to ensure this, American GreenFuels works with EPA regarding appropriate annual RVO rates, together with issues that relate to waste feedstock biodiesel production.

Finally, American GreenFuels is active with Connecticut’s Congressional Delegation in Washington, D.C. In fact, Connecticut’s entire Congressional Delegation co-sponsored the Biodiesel Tax Credit (“BTC”) extension in 2019. To this end, American GreenFuels instigated a Connecticut Congressional Delegation letter to Congressional leadership in 2019 in support of the BTC extension, which included both Connecticut Senators. This year, American GreenFuels continues to push both Senators to co-sponsor the Grassley-Klobuchar extension. Finally, American GreenFuels is proud that House Appropriation Chair Representative Rosa DeLauro, who represents New Haven, is an advocate of renewable fuels, in general, and biodiesel made in Connecticut, in particular. Representative DeLauro has been a key progressive leader in supporting the BTC extension.

In Connecticut

In Connecticut, American

GreenFuels is an active member in the Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce and often sponsors specific events organized by the same. American GreenFuels also maintains an active partnership with the Connecticut Energy Marketers Association (“CEMA”). In fact, together with CEMA, American GreenFuels has been actively involved in promoting a thermal Renewable Energy Credit (“REC”) program in Connecticut. American GreenFuels’ involvement in Connecticut’s REC program includes engaging in formal dialogue with Connecticut’s Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (“DEEP”) policy makers as they continue consideration of such a program as part of the both the state’s Integrated Resources Plan and Comprehensive Energy Strategy process. Finally, as mentioned above, American GreenFuels was a leader in advocating for a Connecticut requirement to increase low-carbon fuel blending for the State’s home heating oil consumption, starting with 5% in 2022 and moving upwards to 50% by 2035. Such low-carbon fuels must meet a minimum 50% reduction in greenhouse gas emission compared to traditional petroleum diesel. The requirement is expected to be met by biodiesel and other renewable fuels, which reduce greenhouse gas emission by 86% on average and significantly reduce particulate emissions. Raf Aviner, President of Kolmar Americas, Inc., American GreenFuels’ parent company, said “this is a true success story for Connecticut. The drop-in fuel we produce in New Haven turns waste such as used cooking oil into high quality fuel — which is distributed to consumers throughout the State by our friends in the Bioheat® distribution business. Additional thanks goes to Chris Herb, President of the Connecticut Energy Marketer’s Association who helped us with this important initiative. Enactment of P.A. 21-181 will ensure every Connecticut resident enjoys the environmental and health benefits of higher blends of biodiesel in their heating oil—and we are pleased that our State lawmakers are ensuring Connecticut goes green.” Moreover, Chris Herb, President of the Connecticut Energy Marketer’s Association said “we applaud the legislature for recognizing that biodiesel is the fastest and most affordable solution for homeowners and businesses to lower emissions. Biodiesel blending reduces our carbon footprint without requiring consumers to spend tens of thousands of dollars to convert to another fuel.”

People Are Paying Attention
There are interesting data analytics that are derived from American GreenFuels’ outreach activities. For example, the number of visitors who have visited American GreenFuels’ website increased by almost 500% year over year, and the majority of these visitors are viewing the website for the first time. Digital advertisements currently boast a click through rate of 2.19%, which is well above the national average of 0.05% – 0.10% across industries. American GreenFuels’ YouTube channel videos also capture the attention of viewers since approximately half of the viewers watch the entire video. Billboards displayed on major interstate arteries throughout Connecticut deliver millions of impressions to drivers, and, since March 2021, television advertisements on WTNH, WCTX, cable and other television outlets have already reached millions of viewers.

In Conclusion

American GreenFuels is proud of its production of a renewable, green, energy source. The company views it to be socially responsible to provide information about this important fuel choice to consumers and policy makers alike. American GreenFuels’ advocacy and awareness campaigns are purposeful, and the results, have shown people care about changing the environment. To continue this, American GreenFuels believes that Connecticut should…