American Lung Association Supports Biodiesel Improve Air Quality

The American Lung Association Supports Biodiesel to Improve Air Quality Across The Nation

December 12th, 2019

Mr. John Huber


National Oil Heat Research Alliance

600 Cameron Street, Suite 206

Alexandria, VA 22314

Dear Mr. Huber,

As the oldest voluntary public health association in the United States, the American Lung Association is supportive of efforts to improve air quality across the nation. The American Lung Association supports programs and policies to reduce the sulfur content of heating oil, including the heating oil industry’s efforts to convert from petroleum-based fuels to biodiesel.

Biodiesel is non-toxic and biodegradable. Compared to petroleum-based fuels, which are refined from crude oil, biodiesel combustion produces fewer air pollutants such as particulates, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrocarbons, and air toxics. Heating oil continues to be used regularly in major urban areas and contributes to poor air quality, especially in communities with environmental justice concerns. Implementing biodiesel into heating oil will help reduce criteria pollutants and improve air quality, resulting in measurable health benefits.

The American Lung Association supports state and federal policies that will drive the deployment of the cleanest and most fuel-efficient energy resources and technologies. Such policies should promote the use of renewable energy and low carbon fuels as a method to combat climate change. On average, biodiesel reduces lifecycle carbon emissions by 78.5% when compared to petroleum-based fuels.

We look forward to working with the heating oil industry to reduce air pollutants and lower carbon emissions.

Sincerely, Angela Tin

National Senior Director | Clean Air Initiatives

American Lung Association